Cameron Neylon (2017) Dataset for IDRC Project: Exploring the opportunities and challenges of implementing open research strategies within development institutions. International Development Research Center. Datacrate.

@idSciDataCon Presentations/IKC_Cath Traynor_Should Data be Shared (SciDataCon).pptx
name?SciDataCon Presentations/IKC_Cath Traynor_Should Data be Shared (SciDataCon).pptx
description?Presentation of the IKC project and its experience
isPartOfPresentations given at SciDataCon Session
creator?Cath Traynor
path?IKC_Cath Traynor_Should Data be Shared (SciDataCon).pptx
encodingFormat?Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows
contentSize?113.02 KB
placeSheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
copyrightHolder?Cath Traynor
license?CC BY 4.0

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